Crossref metadata for preprints: Discussions and recommendations
By Crossref Preprint Advisory Group in preprint
In 2016, Crossref launched a metadata schema for ‘posted content’ with the aim of better accommodating the metadata needs for preprints, working papers, theses, reports, and related outputs, which are not typically peer-reviewed. In 2021, Crossref formed an Advisory Group (AG) to discuss how the quality of metadata for preprints using this schema could be improved.
November 24, 2022
12:00 AM
In 2016, Crossref launched a metadata schema for ‘posted content’ with the aim of better accommodating the metadata needs for preprints, working papers, theses, reports, and related outputs, which are not typically peer-reviewed. In 2021, Crossref formed an Advisory Group (AG) to discuss how the quality of metadata for preprints using this schema could be improved. The group focused on four topics: 1) preprints as an article type (rather than subtype of posted-content); 2) relationships to/from preprints; 3) versioning; and 4) withdrawal/removal of preprints. The recommendations that resulted from the group’s deliberations have been published previously. Here we provide further background to the recommendations and report more details of the discussions.